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About BTB


The phrase “The Thin Blue Line” is synonymous with policing and law enforcement. It is the “Line” in “Line of Duty”, it represents what stands between society, order, peace and crime, anarchy, chaos. What stands beyond the thin blue line are the husbands and wives, sons and daughters, common-law partners and significant others, mother and fathers of our officers. 








  • Quality - Our focus is on the people we serve and we will strive for excellence through evaluation and continuous improvement.

  • Caring - We are committed to serving with empathy and compassion.

  • Integrity - We are committed to acting in an ethical, honest manner.

  • Respect - We believe that all people should be treated with consideration and dignity.

  • Accountability - We are committed to measuring, achieving and reporting results, and to using donor dollars wisely.

  • Teamwork - We are committed to effective partnerships between volunteers and staff, and we seek opportunities to form alliances with others.





The key elements of our organization lie within the following objectives:


  • To offer a community of support to police families.

  • To coordinate resources, educational opportunities, and training that will aid in offering practical tools to police spouses and families.

  • To reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and mental injuries.  

  • To facilitate police families connecting on a social level to build friendships and supportive relationships.

  • To promote awareness of our officer’s worth as well as an understanding of the joys and struggles that are uniquely experienced in life in law enforcement.




Canada Beyond The Blue is working towards increasing the number of established Beyond The Blue Chapters across Canada. This will allow for greater support structures, collaboration and access to resources for police families in Canada.


Larger organizations have an inherent strength and advantage which can include a greater influence, stronger brand recognition, an economy of scale, greater human resources and more – all of which Canada Beyond The Blue and its Chapters will benefit from.






Committed to providing a community of support to police spouses & families, through resources that will provide education, training & practical tools to enable families to thrive in their roles as the support system for their police officer.

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